Over the last two decades TexStyle Lanka has manufactured Safety & Survival Clothing & Accessories to different organisations that supply to the marine industry.
The commercial products manufactured by us ranges from Inflatable Life Jackets, Immersion Suits and fabric sea anchors.
Below listed are a few items manufactured by our organisation for different aspects of the marine industry.
Once Only Survival Suit
This is an emergency abandonment suit for the military market. The suit is designed as a single use garment which is used for personal evacuation from stricken vessels in an emergency and to aid personnel in survival until rescue.
Intrepid Immersion Suit
This is a protective suit used to protect crew members from hypothermia in the cold water or any miseries or any emergencies occurring in high seas.
This suit has been designed as an easy don, low cost, light weight emergency immersion suit
Fabric Sea Anchors & Drogues
These are used to stabilize a boat in heavy weather conditions. The sea anchor increases the drag through the water and acts as a brake.
When the Sea Anchor is attached to the stern of a Vessel, a sea anchor can prevent the Vessel from turning broadside.
Sprayshield for Hazardous Duty Life Preserver
These are designed to use by Naval personnel, working in potentially hazardous situations, and who are required to continually wear life jackets.
Inflatable Life Jackets
Since early 2016, Texstyle Lanka started the manufacture of Inflatable Life Jackets for the leisure industry. Texstyle Lanka manufactures covers, tests bladders and technically pack life jackets for different markets.
Prior to manufacturing of completed Life Jackets we produced Life Jacket covers for over 10 years to different companies in the UK. These covers were then technically packed in the UK prior to sale to end users.
TexStyle Lanka manufacture different designs of Life Jackets, which are then fitted with bladders, inflators etc
There are two types of inflators that are used on these Life Jackets
Manual Inflators – Life Jackets that are fitted with manual inflators will have a toggle that needs to be physically pulled in order to inflate when in water.
Automatic Inflators – These inflators are fitted with a water soluble capsule. This capsule dissolves when submerged in water which in return pierces the CO2 cylinder which releases the gas. The automatic system is also backed up by a manual inflator.
These inflatable life jackets are suitable for open or rough waters as well as calm & inland waters. The main advantage of the life jacket is that it will turn an unconscious wearers face up faster than traditional PFD’s
These inflatable life jackets are not bulky and is very comfortable to wear. When inflated there is a higher visibility of the person in the water.
All life jackets manufactured at TexStyle Lanka have an oral inflation tube, which also serves as the deflation tube. A whistle is attached to the life jacket along with reflective tapes and on designs a light is attached, which increases the chances of being detected while in the water.
Begining of Journey
Introduction of Revolutional Technology
New Factory Production
Agreement signed with PPFGH
GoldenTex Award
Collaboration with OOKLPL