Over the last two decades TexStyle Lanka has produced numerous stitched products and components to different companies that subsequently supply military end uses around the world.
Products manufactured by us can be categorized based on the environment.
We producer Pilot Flight Equipment (PFE) components to a company that is the exclusive provider of PFE to some of the largest fast jet programs in the world, including the Eurofighter Typhoon & F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
We provide safety & survival items that is used on large, fixed wing military air crafts that transport troops, cargo and provide medical evacuations etc.
Another area we focus on is producing items for companies that works closely with the world’s navies.
Below listed are a few items manufactured by our organisation for different aspects of the defence industry.
Air Crew Under Garments
Three varieties of Thermal Protection Garments (TPG) are produced by TexStyle Lanka. We have manufactured shortie, longie and combie TPGs for over 15 years
MK40/41 Fast Jet Life Preserver Cover
This life preserver was designed to protect pilots in the cockpit, during ejection and in water. This is used by numerous air forces internationally and is compatible for use in a variety of fast jet aircraft including BAE Systems’ Hawk, Harrier and Sea Harrier, the Panavia Tornado, and the SEPECAT Jaguar. At present MK40/41s are protecting fast jet pilots of numerous air forces internationally.
Air Crew Coverall
These coveralls are used by law enforcement, public service aviators and VIP operators. The lightweight design ensures comfort, maneuverability and designed to be worn in warm climates and are available in a large range of sizes, developed specifically to accommodate the target aircrew population. These coveralls are manufactured using flame retardant fabric and feature a broad selection of pockets, designed to meet the equipment needs of aircrew personnel.
MK45 Life Preserver Cover
This is a sleeveless garment with a waist coat and a detachable floating assembly and pouch is designed for use on rotary and transport aircraft. The pouch contains an inflatable stole, six pockets, 4 external and 2 internal, suitable for the stowage of a personal locator beacon and survival aids.
Assault Troop Life Preserver Cover
This life preservers are used for military operations involving forces landed from the sea. These compact life preservers are suited for both land & water.
Sprayshield for Hazardous Duty Life Preserver
These are designed to use by Naval personnel, working in potentially hazardous situations, and who are required to continually wear life jackets.
Armoured Air Crew Life Preserver
TexStyle Lanka manufactures the waist-coat, pockets & life jacket covers for the Armoured Aircrew Life Preservers.
These items are used by both the front and rear crews within the non fast jet fixed wing and rotary wing air crafts.
We produce these items for an organization in the UK that has been successfully certified and approved by over 20 international air forces.
The Armoured Aircrew Life Preserver offers protection for aircrew deployed in hostile environments, without compromising comfort, movement or survival equipment storage. This product is fully integrated and sanctioned for use on attack helicopters including Chinook, Apache, Lynx and Puma
Begining of Journey
Introduction of Revolutional Technology
New Factory Production
Agreement signed with PPFGH
GoldenTex Award
Collaboration with OOKLPL